Flat Fall Bouquet | Procreate | Digital Art

 Hi All,

Happy October Guys!

I have done a Flat Fall Bouquet using @everytuesday Teela’s tutorial. As always her tutorials are informative and easy peasy for a beginner to follow along. No prior knowledge of Procreate is necessary as every tutorial takes you through a doable pace of learning. Must say, Absolutely enjoying her tutorials. 

I love to add a bit of Lettering with whatever brushes I have in Procreate plus the purchased ones.
Yes!! I started buying Procreate Watercolor brushes instead of Real ones!! 
@Freyas.art sale is going on, Purchased 144 Ultimate Watercolor Brushes set for 29 $, seems a good deal to learn variety of textures and usages.
Below is a Watercolor wreath and Lettering done in 2018.

I love the transition to Digital art using Procreate which I purchased in 2019 and got to use only now 🙂 

Hope you like it!!