Stencil Stamping & Coloring : Mudra DT post

Hi Friends,

Am on Mudra’s blog for today’s monthly post. I have made 3 cards focusing Stencil Sponging. Sponging over Stencils is a pretty basic way to use. Stencils can also be used for mists/sprays or to apply the texture pastes to get the desired patterns. For which, whole stencil or a portion can be used to create the focal image or even a background.

Always start loading the sponge with the ink and lightly sponge over the stencil in one direction only. Once a layer of ink on your cardstock is dried, you can sponge over top with more inks and more pressure to intensity to get a layered look.

Went ahead and colored the sponged areas of the stenciled portion to make my focal images for first 2 cards and in the last card, used stencil for background on yupo paper using alcohol inks .

Check the  Mudra blog for the complete procedure and pictures.

Hope you like it!

Happy Crafting!

Linking this card for the following challenges

Virginia’s Show and share 

The card concept : Spring Celebration (Inspired by soft pastel shades of florals and greens)

Diwali cards: Mudra DT Project

Hi Friends,

Am on Mudra for monthly projects. Made some Diwali cards for today’s post using their newer launches of Diwali dieset, Diya dieset and Diwali stampset.  Paired with earlier Diwali releases too.

Check them out at their blog. Hope you like it!

Play along our current challenge as well as Diwali card making contest too to win awesome Mudra goodies!!

Happy Crafting!