Together Forever : Chipboard CAS Card

Hi Bloggy pals,

It’s CAS card again this time. Though I ardently love making textures and layers, CAS amazes me equally with all those white spaces, which speaks tons of emotions. I admire a lot of CAS crafters, who aesthetically work on focal elements and brings in Minimalistic versions.
Yes, It’s yet another card using Brusho, my most favorite watercolors. Love to create visual textures with it.

  • Took a watercolor panel and played with Brusho crystal – Orange for an abstract look at one corner of the card.
  • Then took MUDRA chipzeb and sponged with MUDRA Mai jet black ink.
  • Stamped an appealing sentiment from MUDRA together forever stamp set with 2 hearts on the lower portion of the card.
  • Added the chipboard using liquid adhesive.
  • Mounted this panel to A2 sized black cardbase to finish off this card.
Hope you like it!
Linking this to following challenges:

Cutie Tweeties Birthday Greetings.

Hiya Friends!

Good morning all!

A quick OLC for today.

  • Blended Wild honey distress oxide on a portion of a A2 sized white card base.
  • Stamped the sentiment.
  • Splattered the watered down white acrylic paint.
  • Colored the Cute birds chipzeb in black and added just above the sentiment to finish off the card.
Hope you like it!
Happy Crafting!

Brush Calligraphy: Travel Tag

Hi Crafty peeps,

Seized a moment to do some calligraphy drills. And, as always ended with Rumi’s quote.

Used Pentel touch brush pen for doing brush calligraphy here. These pens are short nibbed ones and gives a crisp neat outcome always!
Chopped this MUDRA XL tag a bit to suit my need. Ultra smooth surface is just perfect not only for stamping but also for the Calligraphy!
Quote on one side and recipient’s name on the other side! 
My neighbour here came to surprise me before her India trip with some Homemade, but ended up getting these Tags as her surprise 🙂 Made 1 for her and one teeny tiny name tag for her baby girl’s bag.
That’s how handmade brings in Joy to the souls around us 🙂 
Hope you to like it!
Thanks for stopping by!

Quick CAS card

Hi Friends!

Back to blogging after a long time. Truly miss this space..Yet enjoyed my vacation a lot at my Home country India and a mini vacation too to SriLanka.

  • Colored this Mudra’s Ganesha stamp using prisma colored pencils and fussy cut it.
  • Took Mudra’s Indian ornate chipboard and gold heat embossed it.
  • Took a A2 sized kraft cardbase.
  • Topped with an orange-gold hand marbled paper.
  • Added the chipboard using glue, and fussy cut element popped up using foam adhesive.
  • Stamped the sentiment directly on to card panel using black archival ink.
A quick card to wish you all “Happy Ganesh Chathurthi”
May this special day bring you loads of Happiness and Prosperity!!

MixedMedia Floral WallArt : PPS DT project

Hi Friends,

Am on PPS blog today with an altered artwork. This time, altered a round cork coaster (8″) into a Spring Floral Wall art. 
Its made with several layers of beautiful flowers and textures.
Hope you like it!

Linking to following challenges:

Stamploration May Mixed media challenge
(Used Stamplorations criss cross stencil in bg (much visible in upper left) and 3 butterflies)

Stamploratios Never ending Anything goes : Used Stamplorations criss cross stencil

Mixedmedia place : Am inspired by moodboard colors and florals.

Mixed Media and Art : Inspired by Gold splashes, butterflies, florals, purple shades