A Quilled Review….

End of the year and when i took trip down my memory lane, i was happy to see a “log phase” rather than a “lag phase” in my Quilling Life.

Regina, known for her quilling, origami and embroidery cards and above all for her very wonderful tutorials, has given a great idea to show our Top 10 projects in the year 2011.

I have listed my favorite 10 rather than calling it to be Top 10.
Hope you too will like it.

This is a quilled review of my past works based on all your inspirations and valuable comments…Expecting the same support from you all on forthcoming New year too.

Quilled Note:

I love to share the following youtube video with you all. I ultimately love for the music, lyrics, Alan Jackson’s voice and also the animated movie “UP” in which this music is played.

“Enjoy every turn of Life as it never returns”

My favorite blossoms….blooming after Spring season.
Last picture from my Taiwan home garden.

Wishing all my readers and blogger friends a Very Happy Creative New Year 2012!

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47 thoughts on “A Quilled Review….

  1. Hello Satya,

    You are indeed a gifted artist . Wishing you and your family a very Happy and a Prosperous New year.

    Hope you have settled in your new home.


  2. All ur creations were really good and I am sure it must have been a tough job to choose your fav, Aunty!!

    Wish u and ur family a very Happy New year ahead and always!!

  3. Satya!!! I´m so glad to see your quilling projects!! You are so talented. I´m anxious to see what you´ll be creating next year!!

    A very Happy New Year!!

  4. Wow… amazing creations sathya.. Mindblowing ones! Wishing you and your family a very happy new year 2012 🙂 Have a great time!

  5. hi sathya,
    i loved all your top 10 favorite such beautiful work and so much effort…must make you proud to look back and see your work….your roses look just as beautiful.
    wish you and your family a very Happy New Year.

  6. Happy New Year, dear Sathya! Wish you a very creative 2012! And thank you very much for your visits and kind words!
    Very beautiful projects! So good to see them all in a post!

  7. Satya ur Quilling projects are simply superbbbbb n ur garden Wat a lovely flowers u have enjoyed watching each n every flower in detail 🙂

  8. Satya ur Quilling projects are simply superbbbbb n ur garden Wat a lovely flowers u have enjoyed watching each n every flower in detail 🙂

  9. Your creations are all so beautiful, Sathya! So very lovely! Oh, and I agree with you, I totally love that scene from UP too. I cried when I first saw it. It's so sweet.

  10. Your creations are all so beautiful, Sathya! So very lovely! Oh, and I agree with you, I totally love that scene from UP too. I cried when I first saw it. It's so sweet.

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