Mini Treat Box

This time, wish to share a simple mini treat box with a handle.

From the time, i bought MS scoreboard, i started doing the handmade boxes, bags, which i bookmarked for ages. Really loved doing this. It just holds handful mini candies and great to gift little ones when they visit our home.

Did you notice anything…oh yay..first time tried little distressing (with Victorian Velvet) and used my new MS Deco shell Punch.

Hope you all like it!

Entering for following challenges:
Crafter’s corner –Anything but not a card/LO
Challenges4everybody – Anything goes

Just a token of Love through this post, to thank my generous hearted (cousin)sister in US who lovingly sent me these as New year Gift..which reached me few days back. She purchased all these in Joann’s store and sent me with Loads of Love. Thank you so much deary. Love u!!!!

And last month, i won 20$ gift voucher from Flourishes through Noor’s Paperie Designs studio and i got these Distress inks last week. Thanks Noor for the chance to win this.

Thanks for visit!

Happy Crafting!!

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25 thoughts on “Mini Treat Box

  1. What a beautiful box Sathya!..Perfect for those little treats..Fab use of your new punch as well!
    And Congrats on all your lovely goodies..Would love to see you creating with them πŸ™‚

    Thank you so much for playing along "Crafter's Corner " # 4 & Best of luck! πŸ™‚

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