Pixar’s “UP” inspired CAS card

I just love this challenge at BGC.. Movie inspired CAS card….This inspired me to create a card about lovely Animated movie “UP”.

Am not usually love to see any movies…But when it comes to Animated movies from Disney-Pixar, I just love and jump like anything to watch at the earliest, when its released 🙂

Few of my favorites are Tinkerbell, UP, Tangled, Toy Story and so on…..

And now about my card..Simple attempt in creating the crux of my lovely movie, “UP”

I have linked up my favorite song from this movie in earlier post, hear it, sure to love it 🙂

Hand drawn house and balloons are colored using Faber Castell pencils and handcut them and popped up in the base card.  I just masked the edges of the card, distressed the mountain using the green momento inks and sky using Tumbled glass Distress ink. Added the sentiment : “The Sky is the Limit”. This is what, comes in my mind when i wanted to make a card for the movie…

Hope you liked my attempt 🙂

Entering this to BGC- Movie inspired CAS card
Paper playtime – Anything goes
Papercrafting journey –Anything but a card

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28 thoughts on “Pixar’s “UP” inspired CAS card

  1. That is some cute card !
    🙂 Up was a nice movie
    love your choice .
    Thanks for joining us at BGC – Movie inspired cas card challenge

  2. i can sure realte to the movie…

    lovely card and nice colouring

    Thank you for joining us at Beyond Grey Challenges.

  3. My kids just love this movie Sathya!…And I really liked your take on this…You have created such a fun scene & your hand -drawing & coloring is super!…Love this! 🙂

  4. Oh yes…..awesome. I just love your card. Great take on the movie. Good luck and thank you for joining us at BGC. xx (p.s. This was the card I was thinking of doing and decided on Karate Kid. I like you, love animated movies.)

  5. This is a great CAS card Sathya. But, the theme for our challenge at PCJ is "Anything But a Card". Please come back and join us for the next challenge. Hugs, Gale DT

  6. What a wonderful creation Sathya! I haven't seen Up yet, but love Disney movies too. We are watching Wreck it Ralph roght now… Love your card and the sentiment is perfect. Thanks so much for playing with us this week at Paper Playtime Anything Goes challenge this week. Hope to see you again soon 🙂

    Purple Monkey Moments

  7. This is a great CAS card Sathya. But, the theme for our challenge at PCJ is "Anything But a Card". Please come back and join us for the next challenge. Hugs, Gale DT

  8. Thanks a lot for playing with us at Beyond Grey Challenges 🙂
    Its a brilliant card and an impressive rendition on the movie..infact I was going to make my card on "up" but it would have meant good drawing skills.
    Lovely card..
    Keep up the crafting

  9. what a great take on the film thanks for taking the time to enter our challenge at paper crafting journey but our theme was anything but a card so no cards allowed sorry

  10. what a great take on the film thanks for taking the time to enter our challenge at paper crafting journey but our theme was anything but a card so no cards allowed sorry

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